Sunday, April 27, 2014

It is always the journey: an afternoon of fun, history and photography

My sitter on Saturday was a gentleman named Paul. Paul works at a couple different antique stores in the area and enjoys documenting and researching his family's lineage. He looks a lot like his great grandfather and was interested in creating some photographs that expressed his own interest in collecting, as well as, being an homage to his great grandfather. During the afternoon session I showed him an old accounting ledger that I have and after a quick look, determined it's from  Atlanta, GA., civil war era. He pointed out that with the dates of entry and the fact that Atlanta had burned to the ground two years later, he is surprised that this even survived. I guess I have some investigating ahead of me to see what I have in my possession.


Friday, April 11, 2014

Untitled (the dance)

This beautiful portrait is one of a small but growing series I'll be showing at the Racine Arts Council, part of "Time Share Exchange", a collaborative curatorial project by Frank Juarez and Maureen Fritchen. Opens May 2.

© William Zuback 2014