Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Identity Project, must it end?

As an artist you work on many projects through out your creative process/life. I like to think that they are all equal but they are not. You ebb and flow with your creativity, always striving for perfection but never achieving it. Some idea's resonate more than others. The Identity Project is one of those journeys that has resonated beyond my wildest imagination. I've been touched and changed by those I've photographed as well as those who have supported this journey from the sidelines. I will be wrapping the photography portion of this project up within the next two weeks. It is a bitter sweet end to an emotional and inspiring four months path of discovery for myself and those who have stood in front of my camera.

I couldn't let this personal and visual journey end without sharing at least one more touching email I received in regard to this project. Words like these both in conversation and written have fueled my visual exploration of who we are and how we are molded by perception.

I wanted to tell you how excited I am by your Identity Project. Your FB and blog postings are inspirational, and the project makes me remember a week of days posing for a talented, intense young photographer when I was in my twenties -- very daring in that time for a young Southern belle mother and former Catholic school girl. But it was a lovely, powerful experience. I very nearly got in touch with you for the Identity Project but managed to overthink the prospect of being brave enough -- and many fond and not-so-fond memories long buried of the intervening years came to the fore (see how affecting your project is already? -- the idea itself stirs things up). I believe you reach for the soul in your work and I cannot wait to see the final Identity Project; you’re an amazing artist.

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