Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Identity Project, Dismantlement & Rebirth

The idea of the Identity Project has been in my mind for well over six years. The work I finally created is much different than what I sketched so many years ago. Like any good story it must have a great beginning, middle, and end. This is the end for this stage of the project and it's ending is at a place and time that feels right.

A recent book I read called Dismantled by Jennifer McMahon has a powerful line, "Dismantlement equals freedom". That is where I'm at with this series. I created my first set of images for the Identity Project series in April and now four months later it is complete and ready to be dismantled. Another powerful passage that resonated as I was near completion of this project was this, "Suz smiled. "Don't you get it?" she asked. "It's the ultimate act of creativity. Destruction is transformation. In order to be reborn, you have to die."  Well, the series is just beginning a new life as I move from creation to exhibition. A rebirth for sure. During this process I've also found a couple additional series that can be pulled from the larger umbrella of the Identity Project. One of these additional series was what helped me get selected for the CoPA Scholarship which will allow me to create a book along with the exhibition, scheduled next year for the Identity Project.

So as the lights come down from the Identity Project I feel a sense of freedom as I begin some additional creative journeys. One liberating transformation of this symbolic destruction will be my exploration into painting. Something I haven't done since high school. I've been encouraged by some art friends that I can do it. We will see, but I'm sure the journey will be exciting none the less.

So as I leave the Identity Project behind until it's exhibition and accompanying book later next year, I will leave you with some interesting facts from this visual journey:
  1. 14 men volunteered to be a part of the Identity Project
  2. The median age of the male participants was 56.
  3. 19 females volunteered to be a part of the Identity Project.
  4. The median age of the female participants was 38.
  5. Out of the 33 individuals who participated in this series, 21 volunteered unsolicited and 12 volunteered when asked to be a part of the project.
  6. I took 1,750 digital captures in the creation of the images needed for the Identity Project.
  7. Some AMAZING honest stories came out of this series from it's participants.
  8. I grew as a person and an artist from my chance to work with so many beautiful human beings.
  9. The "Suspicious Behavior" series was a by product of The Identity Project.
  10. A series of encaustic nudes is another series that is a result of The Identity Project.

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