Sunday, January 19, 2014

What are you working on?

As a creative, this is often one of the first questions asked when you attend an event in the area of your genre whether it be the visual arts, music or literature. It is a way of starting a dialog with your peers that allows for a conversation of similar interest in the arts. I guess it's no different than being asked, "How is work" or "How is the family"? We need to find a common thread that can connect us to a shared value or idea so that the conversation can begin. I open conversations with a line like this often yet when asked of me, I am regularly met with a certain amount of internal angst and confusion as to how I should answer such a question.

Especially of late, I just finished the Identity project which was a two year process from conception to exhibition. Since then I've been in a mode of exploration of both photography and motives. The Identity project changed how I view my relationships and my life experiences. I understand that all art is personal but what is the motivating factor for the creation of the art? Ideally it is always an honor for it to be seen, appreciated and discussed in societal circles but WHAT IF that factor has taken a real backseat to your ultimate goals and expectations? Being seen or heard is like the icing on the cake or the validation of a job well done. How many people do you need to feel that way? Is it the masses or can it be one or can it just be you? Who are you creating for?

For me the journey and the process have always been the most important part of the creation of my images but the accolades are always nice as well. I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately and ask myself often, If I was told that the work I create would never again be seen by the public, would I still create my art? The answer is a resounding, YES!

So, what are you working on and who are you creating your art for?

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